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This project is being funded by the student engineer Jason Moore and a set amount of $250 has been allotted for the drivetrain.  After finding all the parts the estimated total cost was $185.51 however the actual price after buying the components is $196.27 which is over the estimated price but still within the budget.


The budget stems from motor and esc components that are critical to the RC car. It was originally thought that a brushless motor and ESC package was to be used which ranges from $100 to $400. Now however, a brushed system is being considered which range from $12-$80 for a motor and $40 to $100 for an ESC. The motor and ESC are the most expensive components in the drivetrain which is why the budget was based off of them.  



The schedule is organized by task and date and the dates are in week long increments. The proposal makes up the first quarter of this academic year while the second quarter consists of building and testing. Normally the testing would be done in the third quarter but the ASME competition is in April so everything must be ready by then. This is why most tasks are completed by March on the schedule.


The proposal is broken up into two main parts which are included in the schedule as well. These parts are the analysis and documentation. These are included in the schedule because these parts are estimated to take the most amount of time of all the tasks in the proposal. The documentation includes all of the drawings while the analysis is every calculation that needs to be performed. The total estimated amount of time the proposal will take including the documentation and analysis is 75.5 hours.


The second quarter will be the building phase and testing and evaluation phase. This is where the components need to be manufactured and assembled. This quarter is crucial and everything must be completed by March or this project will be a failure. For this reason, the schedule must be followed with precision to make sure deadlines are met.


After the ASME competition, the Source presentation will be the only thing left and the student engineer will have most of third quarter to modify the presentation from the ASME competition to suit the requirements of the Source Guidelines.  

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